kung-fu – Kung-fu fighting
kung-fu – Kung-fu fighting


The European Budo Association was founded in 2009 in Warsaw (Poland), but the area of activity sometimes exceeds the borders of Europe.

The Association cooperates with both global organizations and groups and clubs operating locally.

  1. World Budo Federation Hachi-O-Kai Karate Dojo – Okuyama Karate-Do (okuyamaupk.com) e-mail: kancho@okuyamaupk.com
  2. International SportsChanbara Association スポーツチャンバラ スポチャン SPORTS CHANBARA 公式ページ (internationalsportschanbara.net)
  3. Shotokan Karate Academy Ireland (Facebook) e-mail: ckotynski@yahoo.com
  4. Horus Academy The School of Activity – India (Facebook) e-mail:  horus1835@gmail.com 
  5. Samurai School (Samurai Juku) battodo.pl e-mail: sensei@battodo.pl
  6. Warsaw Karate Center karate.com.pl e-mail: karate@home.pl
  7. Spochan Poland chanbara.pl e-mail: chanbara@chanbara.pl
  8. Karate Club Brodnica/Rypin (Facebook) e-mail: shadowsp01@wp.pl
  9. Koryu Karate and Kobudo UKS Grodzisk Maz. Klub – UKS Budo Grodzisk Mazowiecki e-mail: tazeyvalo@wp.pl

  10. MMA Warsaw Center mma.waw.pl e-mail: info@jkubojitsu.pl